Astrojolo shop – home of AstroLink

The main area of our company activity is astrophotography-related electronics. If you feel your astroimaging setup contains way too many cables and peripheral components, our products should help you to make it simpler and more reliable.

Our devices are able to control focusing motors and dew cap heaters, contain 12V DC power switches, and regulated voltage outputs. Measure the current, voltage, and energy consumed and protect peripherals against low or high voltage, but also against the excessive current drain. The selection of sensors can be connected to our devices, that measure temperature, humidity, sky temperature/cloud coverage, and sky brightness – some of these values are used to automate workflow, and others are just available as informative values.

Each device has its own control software, but both INDI and ASCOM drivers are also available: focuser, observing conditions, switch, and safety monitor. Two devices can be connected to the computer at the same time – a secondary ASCOM driver is also available.

Our devices can be put into three categories:

  • AstroLink 4 Controllers – multifunctional astroimaging setup controllers that require an external computer to work
  • AstroLink 4 Computers – these are astroimaging controllers already integrated with a computer – either a mini PC or Raspberry Pi.
  • Focuser controllers – simple focusing motor controllers – FocuserOne device

3D printed products

Another category is 3D-printed astrophotography-related items. These articles are made with ABS or ASA material, which is durable and can work in the temperature range of -40 to +85°C. Selection of ready articles is available, but there is also a special option: customer-designed elements may be printed and delivered to the client. So if you need a specific bracket, mounting plate or rail, guider, or finderscope rings – just contact us.

Cygnus Heart narrowband mosaic imaged with AstroLink 4 controlled setup
Cygnus Heart narrowband mosaic imaged with AstroLink 4 controlled setup